WK Model FP-C
Removable compression gasket flood barriers – the most protection available in a removable model
When flooding can occur from either direction, or when absolute protection is required, compression gasket barriers should be used. The gasket on the removable panel is compressed against the barrier frame using either rotating dogs or drop bolts. This compression creates a 100% watertight seal in both directions. This model requires a raised knife-edge to compress the gasket, so most barriers have a raised bottom sill (typically 1.5″). Recessed sills with removable flush sill plates are available to comply with ADA requirements. Ease of installation, low maintenance, and the security of the seal make this barrier a popular choice. These barriers are particularly suited for large openings or openings subject to higher pressure loads.

Product Details
Design Pressure
Gasket Material
Panel & Frame Material
Type of Frame
Bottom sill
Operating Mechanism
Design Details
Maximum size depends on customer requirements. Openings larger than 10'wide or 6' high often require multiple panels. No functional limit to number of panels
To full height of panel
ASTM D2000 GR DE neoprene with fully molded corners
Panel is aluminum or aluminum composite; frame available in aluminum, mild steel, or stainless steel
Bolt-on, weld-on, masonry subframe
1.5" Raised Sill or Removable Flush Sill
Quick slide latch bolts at panel top edge; multiple sliding latches at bottom - quantity dependent on width of panel
Multiple panels with removable back, front, or top braces